First meeting: Graham met us at our studios so that we could get a good idea of what was required for his campaign. We talked about the approach, possible filming dates, production deadlines and budget. The objectives were:
* Create a 2-3 minute video that demonstrates the product
* Communicate unique selling points
* Produce the video within the agreed budget
* Provide support throughout the process e.g. name and graphics
About: Graham had been working on his invention, a low cost slow motion camera, for some time and was eager to begin a Kickstarter campaign that would generate the funds he needed for mass production.
After a thorough search on Google, he found Motionfish. Check out the campaign on Kickstarter here.

Second meeting: We introduced Graham to George, the director, and discussed the visual style and script for the video. We also finalised the filming locations and filming date.
In-between: We corresponded with Graham via email and worked on the product name and script, making sure everything was ready for the big day...
Production day: An early start to the day. The crew set up lighting in the studio and captured slow motion filming . We then moved on to the interviews and filmed in three different locations. The crew included a director, camera operator and experienced video producer.
Above: The funded FPS 1000 Kickstarter video
Editing: Thanks to Laura, the video editor, we sent an accurate first draft to Graham. With everybody's feedback, we were able to tweak the video and within two weeks the final version was ready.
The finished video met all Graham's objectives and was completed within budget and on time - ready for the big launch!
The outcome:
The project met its funding target within one week.
The final funding was over six times the initial target at £125,721
The video received over 200,000 views.
The video was created solely by video production graduates and supervised by industry media professionals.
Check out the video here.